Broken Instrument, Master Musician

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. – 2 Corinthians 12:9

My brother lives in Minnesota where he works doing instrument repair. Every day he steps into work bending and shaping metals, hammering valves, manipulating wood, machining parts, and precisely fixing up instruments. From students to professionals, every instrument that comes to his table needs some kind of help. Some might need a little tune up, while others will require some extensive tender loving care. I asked him about the difference between a low-quality instrument and the high-quality ones.

Does it make that much of a difference? Oh yes. Would a person really notice the difference? If you listen for it. Is the instrument more impactful than the performer? No. The performer can still make beautiful music with a low-quality instrument but is unlocked to do more with a higher quality one.

Do we listen to the voice that says that we aren’t good enough? Do we sometimes think that the things we have done or the things that we currently do are so bad that even God cannot forgive? Do you see yourself as a broken instrument?

In this Heart to Heart article, I want to be an encouragement to you today, no matter how bad things are, wherever you are, that nothing can separate you from the love, mercy, goodness, and grace of the Lord. He has died for you while you were His enemy, do you think that He would abandon you when you are His child?

God is a master musician and will use even the most broken of instruments to fill the world with His glory. From Abraham who chose to father Ishmael instead of waiting faithfully to the promise of God, to David and his infidelity, to the nation of Israel and their multitude of sins, God remained faithful to those He called His own. You may think of yourself as a low-quality instrument, God is able to draw out the best of you. You may be a high-quality instrument; God will draw out the best of you. Throughout all this time, God is shaping us, molding us, machining us, making sure that we are sanctified. The master musician is working in us, both as we currently are while knowing what we will be. Therefore, take heart knowing that nothing you view as limitations or deficiencies will be able to stop God from doing His good work in you.

Stephen Lee
February 2, 2025