In 2011, fifteen Indonesian families came together to form a church where the Word of God would be taught, applied and shared with others. This was the beginning of Living Stones Indonesian Fellowship Church (LIFE). Pastor John Ronny Serworwora was the first pastor. In the beginning, the church met in the houses of its members, then in a daycare facility, and then in the facilities of the New Life Gospel Church in Lewisville. Building on Christ as the solid foundation, the church strived to teach sound doctrine, and to disciple the congregation, from toddlers to seniors, to become spiritually mature Christians. The church understood the importance of missions and put a lot of effort and sacrifice to support vocational missionaries and to send members of the church on mission trips.
By God’s grace, in 2016, the church was blessed by the Metrocrest Bible Church congregation, when it gave its church property to LIFE to do God’s work. The church is so richly blessed by God with the facilities that it seeks to bless others by sharing the facility with the Korean Miso Church and Hope Fellowship Church In 2016, God grew LIFE numerically and spiritually to become an international church and so it was renamed the Living Stones Fellowship Church (LSFC). John Ronny Serworwora was pastor from 2011-2018. In 2018, Arnold Wong came to Living Stones Fellowship Church as its interim pastor.