Do you feel uncomfortable when you ask, “I want another lobster, please” or “I want a bigger slice of cake and scoop of ice cream, please.”? Someone may think, “You’re a “pig” or greedy unless you are really hungry!” It’s hard to ask for more.
The thought of asking for better health, a better job, more money, for friendships is viewed by self or others as a reflection of discontentment or self-centeredness. I ask myself, “When is it good and right to ask for more?” The answer lies in the motivation and what one is asking for?
It is good and right to ask our Heavenly Father to heal someone who is sick, to provide someone who is looking for a job, to ask that the Spirit of God to bring His servant to us, men and women who can help His people and further His work.
David pants more for God. He longs for God. He is not satisfied with what he knows or experiences with God. He wants to know God more intimately. What about you and me? Are we content with our pursuit of God or do we desire to know more of our God?
In this season of Thanksgiving, yes, we can be thankful for the many physical blessings from our Father. That’s easy to say. How about praising how God for the spiritual blessings has revealed Himself more to you even when we weren’t necessarily pursuing Him! Did it cause us to pause and thank Him for His spiritual goodness to us?
Seeing my daughter battle with cancer is not what I desire for her. None of us want to see our loved one critically ill. In the midst of being with Kaori, I am thankful that I had the minutes to be with her, to hold her hand, to pray with and for her, to sit by her side. Her sickness drew me closer to her and to the Lord. I hope that she was comforted that I was by her side even though she knows that the Lord is always with her.
The pursuit of God ought to be the greatest desire of our hearts, minds, and strength. That pursuit of God may lead us into a valley that we don’t want to enter, but in entering that valley we discover more of our God, ourselves, and others. David pursued God. What were we pursing earlier this year and what will you pursue in 2023?
In thisSseason of Thanksgiving , let’s thank our Heavenly Father for His spiritual blessings upon us before we thank Him for our physical blessings.
Kingston Tong
November 27, 2022