“…O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.”
Is. 64:8
When I first read and reflected on this verse, I had to stop and remind myself what this really means.
We have a special relationship with God – He is our “Father”. As our father, He has a deep love for us and is personally involved in who we become and do. He loves, cares, and acts on our behalf.
We are being shaped according to the vision and purpose of God – He is our personal potter. Like a potter does, God skillfully shapes us into the person that He envisions us to be for His glory. Into people of value, beauty, and purpose. We are individually created to fulfill His divine plans and purposes which are beyond anything we could ever imagine on our own.
We are a unique creation of God’s hand. As “the work” of God, we must often go thru a rigorous process to become the person God wants. Pottery pieces must be “fired” – a process where they are put in a kiln at a very high temperature. This process keeps the piece from cracking under pressure. For us, this process often involves us going thru various trials, which are necessary to refine us and strengthen us. In Is. 48:10, God says, “Behold, I have refined you…I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.” As “the work” in God’s hands, we are the work constantly in progress.
Are you willingly allowing God to shape you as your loving Heavenly Father? Are you trusting God that His plans and purposes for you are more than you could ever imagine on your own? Continue to be the unfinished work in God’s hand by trusting Him each day.
Pastor Arnold Wong