An important aspect of the Christian life is becoming more like Jesus each day. This process called sanctification is gradual as followers of Christ seek to daily obey Him with help from the Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ first-century enemies accused Him of “being a friend of sinners.” He spent time with people who were not saved. Jesus stated in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Jesus the Messiah, the Savior, was fulfilling His purpose for coming to Earth as the God-man.
As you seek to follow Christ, are you a friend of sinners? Every week take some time to talk with people who may not have a relationship with the Lord. Ideally, men talking with men, and women talking with other women would be best. As you visit, ask them if there is anything you could pray for them about. By talking and praying with them, you demonstrate a caring heart.
Personal Prayer: Dear God, help me to have a godly love for others by showing kindness and a listening ear toward them. By means of the Holy Spirit, help me to demonstrate Your love to the people I encounter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Pastor Cecil Price