“18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body” 1 Corinthians 12:18-20 (NIV).
The months of April and May were a blessing to the Church Family and to friends of Living Stones Fellowship Church. I was personally thankful and impressed by how much each of you contributed to our special events of Easter, Honoring our Graduates, Mother’s Day, and the Church Anniversary Celebration.
I want to commend each and everyone of you for your labor of love to the Lord and for our Church Family. Seeing or hearing from children to adults contributing to the praise of God was a blessing to my heart and I am certain it was to your hearts as well. The hours of practice at home and together made our worship program very special.
It’s not just those on the stage, but our AV crew and the Luncheon Crew from those who set up, made it possible, and quietly putting things away. Your helping hand made it possible for us to have a wonderful and blessed worship service.
As a Church Family, we have gained a glimpse of what God’s Church is supposedly to be. It’s not about the production, but the people working together to bless us and our community. Everyone of us has something to contribute to Living Stones. Every person is vital and essential.
Last Sunday, I was teaching Children’s Worship Service. My co-teacher was sick so I was in the class by myself. Aiden and Naomi were a great help to me in the class. They called on the students and ran the power point display which allowed me to teach the class.
May I encourage you to come to Church if you are attending online. We can’t fellowship with you and you can’t bless us with your presence. Our fellowship is sweeter with everyone’s presence each Sunday. You and I have something to contribute to each other each Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday and/or Friday nights. We want to see you and hear what God is doing in and through your lives. Join us.
Kingston Tong