Who’s Coming Over for Dinner?

While talking with him, Peter went inside and found a large gathering of people. (Acts 10:27, NIV).

     Have you ever felt awkward and uncertain as you walked into an unfamiliar gathering? You don’t know a single person in the room. You don’t even know who the host or hostess is but you had an invitation to join them for a meal. It’s a friend of a friend or stranger that has invited you. Not really wanting to go, yet with a strong urging from him or her, you conceded to go.

The apostle Peter found him standing in front of strangers he didn’t know. They had invited him to go to the home of their master. He’s not a Jew but a Gentile. What made it worse was Peter was going to a Roman soldier’s home who was occupying their land! Definitely, no Jew would eat with a Samaritan much less a Roman soldier! Peter would be violating his cultural norm and may even be considered “unclean” for entering that house. Making it worse there would be other witnesses noticing him enter a Roman soldier’s home.

I wondered what Peter thought and felt as he walked to Caesarea. I wondered what Cornelius and his family thought whether this man, Peter, possibly not coming to his home. Peter hesitated but an angel told him he should go and share a message with him. They waited in faith and Peter walked by faith into that home.

This Christmas, if you are inviting a friend to our church, remember they don’t know anyone except you. If you are inviting a coworker or friend to your home for a holiday meal, they don’t know anyone.  They may have some uneasy feelings as they step into our church or your home. Don’t just stare at any strangers, but give him or her a warm welcome in the Lord.

As Peter had the opportunity to share a message with Cornelius and his family and friends, so we may have opportunities to share the Message of Life with our guest(s).

Is it possible that you and I, like Peter, are being directed by God to share the gospel with someone joining our church’s fellowship lunch or having a meal in our home? Remember, the focus is not about what’s on your plate, but who is at the table!

May we use this month of December to share Christian hospitality with those who may not have a relationship with the Lord Jesus. If we ask the Lord to put someone on our minds to invite or across our paths, I believe He will.

Kingston Tong

December 1, 2024  

Photo by Jed Owen on Unsplash