Fall Food Drive

Fall Food Drive

Food Drive benefiting Metrocrest Services in Carrollton has started on Sunday 10/22/2023.Please consider donating at least 3 of these urgent items per person: Canned Soup, Cereal, Baking Items, Peanut Butter, Toothbrushes & Toothpaste, Household Cleaner, Feminine Care Products, Body wash & Bar soap, Diaper and Wipes for Children and Adult.All donated items will be delivered to Metrocrest on Nov 4th morning, which gives us...

Jacket & Coat Drive

Jacket & Coat Drive

Coat Drive benefiting Metrocrest Services Holiday Store is running until November 19th. Please consider donating your gently used jackets/coats or even buying new ones for donations.Coat Drive benefiting Metrocrest Services Holiday Store is running until November 19th. Please consider donating your gently used jackets/coats or even buying new ones for donations. All collection boxes are on the hallway towards the main sanctuary, near the women’s...

Tender Loving Care

Tender Loving Care

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