Fix Your Thoughts

In these times, it is a big challenge and struggle to keep our hearts and minds focused on “good things”. That is because we are surrounded by so much of the “bad, and the ugly”. In fact, there is a lot of debate about what is “good” and what is “bad”. The latter is coming at us like a tsunami, affecting everything we see and hear.

The other day, I caught a glimpse of the premier of a new television show. It wasn’t too long ago that the scenes and dialogue that was part of the show, would have been deemed inappropriate and immoral. But, by today’s standards, they are quite commonplace and even mild.  

The other day on the local news, the police were called to quell a disturbance among the students in a local high school. When they arrived to restore order, the students turned and attacked the police. The school district officials said they were very concerned about deterioration of “respect for authority”.

How can we “Fix our thoughts on what is…”? I know that it is a real battle but thru the study of God’s Word, memorizing the Bible, and most of all living according to it, we can stand up to the onslaught, and maybe even  slow the destructive rate that is happening around us.

Want to know what is, “true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable” let the Word of God be your standard and strength.

Pastor Arnold