Let The Little Children Come to Me

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matt. 19:14)


If you were given a choice between teaching a children’s class or an adult class, which one would you choose? I know that I prefer teaching an adult class, but often times it is the children’s classes that are in greater need. As adults, we can teach ourselves. Most of us are able to lead a study, if need be, for the Academy Hour or for a fellowship meeting. But children can’t do that by themselves. They need someone to guide them.


Our church will be re-starting the children’s program during the worship hour. Praise God. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…” During this past year, volunteers have taught the children in virtual classes. I have seen the classes and the positive impact on them. Thank you, volunteers. As a church, we are literally opening our doors to the little children. As parents, you decide whether your children will come and sit at the feet of a teacher who will love your son or daughter and lead them to Jesus. Continue to encourage them to attend church whether it is online or in-person that they may hear and believe in Jesus and continue to grow in Him.


As parent’s faithfully bringing their children, let us as the family of God be ready to received them in Christ’s love. Warmly greet them even though we may not be able to give them a hug yet. Together, let us rise to the challenge and overcome the barriers and let the little children come meet Jesus. What will your answer be if you are asked to support our children’s ministry? I know that I am willing as I still remember the faces of my teachers who there for me when I needed someone to guide me to Christ.


One of my goals, and hopefully one of your goals is to support God’s people, especially the little children. Will you join with me and together let the little children come meet Jesus?


Kingston Tong
