Photo by Zulian Firmansyah on Unsplash
All of us are probably very ready for the sweltering Summer season to end & the cooler Fall season to begin. Besides the change in temperatures, let us not forget that it can also be a time of big transitions. Students will be going on to their next grade, college, or university. Parents of students will have the chance to meet new teachers, new students, & new parents. Employers & employees will have opportunities to meet new co-workers & clients.
Based on what we read above in Col. 4:3, Paul calls these “open doors” for evangelism – for sharing the gospel. Even though Paul was in a Roman prison, he saw this as a place God could open doors to proclaim the gospel. At school, God may provide an open door to live the gospel & explain the gospel to those who don’t know about Christ & what He has done for them. The open door may be in places like your study groups, dorm rooms, apartments, & even intramural sports teams.
At work, when you work well with workmates, or serve your clients exceptionally well, God opens doors for people to wonder & ask you how & why you do what you do at such a high level. It is because of God’s saving & sustaining grace. In these days & times people are always looking for ways to cope with the pressures & demands of life in general & work in particular.
So, as Fall arrives, look beyond just the change in temperature. Pray God will open doors for you to share Christ & walk through those doors courageously & confidently.
Pstr. Arnold