The Surprising Grace of Disappointment

Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ in LSFC and beyond,

From time to time, I come across devotionals by great Christian Pastors and writers. One of those is Dr. David Jeremiah. This piece came on his “Today’s Turning Point”, November 10, 2021. It has many encouraging phrases that I would like to share with you. May this encourage you beyond all that you can ever ask or think.

Pstr. Arnold


“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5


John Koessler wrote, “You can expect to meet Jesus in the most unlikely place—at the intersection of Expectation and Disappointment. The Jesus you meet there is not the Jesus of your dreams. Nor is He the airbrushed Christ of popular Christianity. He is the enigmatic and unpredictable Jesus of the Bible. You will not forget Him.”[1]

Facing disappointment is hard, but it helps to remember the definition of disappointment. It’s God’s way of showing you a better plan. Someone once called disappointments His appointments, and there is truth to that.

When it comes to the Lord Himself and His future for us, there cannot be—and never will be—any disappointment. The world defines hope as something we would like to happen, but God’s hope is something guaranteed to happen. It is a sure and certain hope. His kind of hope does not disappoint. But when life itself disappoints you, you’ll find Jesus at the intersection ready to reassure and redirect you.

“I infer that losses, disappointments…are God’s workmen.” Samuel Rutherford


[1]John Koessler, The Surprising Grace of Disappointment (Chicago: IL: Moody Publishers, 2013), 15